Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Pendle Witches–Returning from the past

November 14 2011.  This was the first day that I heard of the Pendle Witches, specifically Alice Nutter.  Alice was charged with witchcraft in 1612 in the Lancaster Witch Trials and was later hanged.  The village of Blacko was the site of where Alice was seen at Malkin Tower, also known as Stansfield Tower and Blacko Tower, with what was deemed a witch’s coven. 
Now a memorial statue to Alice Nutter has been commissioned to mark the 400th anniversary of the trials.  It will be placed in the village of Blacko.
Statue plan to celebrate ‘Pendle Witch’ Alice - Peek Into The Past - Pendle Today
The next day I found more information on the Pendle Witches and the planned statue from the BBC.
Statue of Pendle Witch Alice Nutter to be commissioned
I was very intrigued by this news that after 400 years, what happened to these victims of fear and confusion will now be memorialized.  It shows that people are finally realizing how wrong the trials were.
What happened next is kind of eerie if you think about it. 
December 8th, 2011.  The BBC reports - 'Witch's cottage' unearthed near Pendle Hill, Lancashire
The story even hopped the pond and was reported by Fox News -
Centuries-Old Witches' Cottage and Mummified Cat Unearthed in Britain
Read more:
You have to admit that it is quite interesting that only a month after the planned memorial was announce that this ‘cottage’ was unearthed.  Add the fact that within a wall of the building the mummified remains of a cat were found and it is hard to dismiss the claims that it belonged to one of the witches of Pendle.  Admittedly there isn’t any ‘concrete’ evidence that a Pendle Witch resided within the walls of the well preserved building.  This hasn’t stifled the talk and the supposition among the locals and witches from around the globe.
Is there some supernatural link between these two events?  Are the spirits of Alice Nutter and the 10 other villagers, who were executed for witchcraft, now setting out to uncover more history of their lives?  What will be found next?
Next year will be the 400th anniversary of the Lancaster Witch Trials, which were held on the 18th and 19th of August, 1612. 
This is an image of the original title page from The Wonderfull Discoverie of Witches in the Countie of Lancaster
The trial not only accused the women of Pendle but also other people, men and woman, from around the area of witchcraft.
It is nice to see that this information is now becoming mainstream and not relegated to the tabloids alongside who had the newest alien baby or the new date for the end of the world. 
I am going to keep a watchful eye out for the next installment of the Return of the Pendle Witches.
Blessed Be.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Thinning Veil - This is Samhain

The thinning veil.  Now is the time when whispers of those who have passed before us can be heard on the cool winds.
The leaves are turning with bright yellow, oranges and reds filling the trees.  The harvest is ending as the last crops are picked from the fields.
Pumpkins begin to decorate the homes, their carved faces glowing from candle and light.  The Jack-O-Lantern stands guard.
This is SAMHAIN!!!  This is HALLOWEEN!!!

Now is the time to honor those who have passed before us.  We seek to speak to them once again, to ask questions, and to seek knowledge.  We do so with reverence and awe since we know this will only happen this night, the thinning of the veil.

Take up staff and cast a circle vast.  Welcome the spirits of element and guide, the Lord and Lady, beckon to our side.  Enjoy the night and seek you knowledge, let loose that has kept you and cleanse your way.  To the fire give all that is spent and cleanse your way.  In crystal, mirror and water gaze, seeking knowledge through the ethereal haze.  Dine with them who have eaten not.  Bid you farewell to those who were called.  Elements, guides, Lord and Lady to their halls.  Close your circle and yet be sure that what you have gained is hallowed and pure.  

Blessed Be!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Charge of the Goddess - Do you really know it?

The Charge of the Goddess has been around for some time.  The one that we are most familiar with was penned by Doreen Valiente the High Priestess of Gerald Gardner in the 1950's.  It is believed that the final work by Gardner and Valiente was derived from various sources.  Among these is the book by Charles Godfrey Leyland, Aradia or the Gospel of the Witches.

Normally during ritual the Charge of the Goddess is read by the High Priest and the High Priestess.  But during the last ritual I attended, our High Priestess was absent so I read the charge.  Now I have read the Charge before but never in a ritual atmosphere.  I will say it was different.  Reading it gave me pause and made me think.  Do I really know it?  How many read it and don't think about it?  They are just going through the motions.

I am going to post the Charge of the Goddess.  Full version by Doreen, not the version by Starhawk.  Read it and then really read it.  Think about it.  It is the pure Charge with all the old English so it might be hard to read at first but if you truly read it will flow easily.

Charge of the Goddess
by Doreen Valiente
Now listen to the words of the Great Mother, who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names.  At her altars, the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacrifice.
Whenever ye have need of anything, once in a month and better it be when the moon is full, then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me, I who am Queen of all Witches.
There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery, yet have not won its deepest secrets; to these will I teach all things that are as yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery; and as a sign that ye be truly free, you shall be naked in your rites; and yea shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.  For mine is the ecstasy of spirit, and mine also is joy on earth; for my law is love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideals; strive ever toward them, let nothing stop you or turn you aside. For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth, and mine is the cup of wine of life, and the Cauldron of Cerridwen, which is the Holy Vessel of Immortality.  I am the gracious Goddess, who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal; and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before.
Nor do I demand sacrifice; for behold, I am the mother of all living, and my love is poured out upon the earth.
Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of heaven, Whose body encircles the universe.
I who am the beauty of the green earth, and the white moon among the stars, and the mystery of the waters and the desire of the heart of man.
I call upon thy soul to arise and come unto me.  For I am the soul of Nature, who gives life to the Universe.  From me all things proceed and unto me all things must return; and before my face, beloved of gods and of men, let thine innermost divine self be enfolded, in the rapture of the infinite.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoices for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals.  Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.
And thou who thinketh to seek for me, know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not, unless thou knoweth the mystery; for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.
For behold, I have been with thee from the beginning; and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.

Read it out loud as well as to yourself.  Feel the power as the words are spoken allowed.  Read it during your daily devotion as a way to honor the divine.
Copy it into your book of shadows.  Keep it and know it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Clean Your Altar. Yes, you.

"In a dark room a table sits, covered with the trappings a witch.  The chalice and blade once sparkled in brilliance like the morning dawn.  Candles that once burned brightly now sit dark and shadowy.  Forgotten is the power that once flowed freely as spell was spoke and ritual performed.  Absent are the deities and elements that journeyed at a plea or an offering.  Now a fine layer of dust has covered those symbols of the craft like a soft cloth and obscured them from the view of those that would use them.”

I imagine this might describe an altar or two out there.  I know it has described mine at least once maybe twice.

We all have lives outside of the craft and at times our altars can get relegated to becoming just another spot for the car keys or the loose change from your last soda or mineral water purchase.  Unless your altar is in secluded sanctuary where no one ever sees it then don’t be surprised if it accumulates items other then what is supposed to be there.  I myself have absently placed all sorts of mundane items on my altar, from keys to clothes.  Yes, clothes.  No I wasn’t using a t-shirt as an altar cloth.  No matter how hard you try there will eventually be something on your altar that shouldn’t be there and you may not have done it.
I have found some items on my altar that I have no idea how they got there and I can only assume that my lovely house fae have helped out again. 


You have found your altar under a pile of stuff, now what.  (Even if your altar isn’t buried it can still benefit from a good cleaning.)

First get a small bowl or bucket with a cleaning solution mixed with fresh water.  I prefer to use a solution that I make myself that way I know it won’t damage any of the items I wipe off.  Also remove all the items off the altar, including the cloth if you use one.

Clean the cloth/surface

If you use and altar cloth remove it and if it is washable then give it a once through in the olde washing machine.  If it is a commercially made cloth be sure to read the cleaning instructions.  If you have a cloth that is not able to be machine washed then perhaps a hand washing with a Woolite type product would be better.  Again, check the cleaning instructions.

Not everyone uses an altar cloth and if you are one of those people, and you know who you are, just give the surface of the altar a good wipe down with the cleaning solution you have.  Don’t forget to gently scrape of any wax from those nice candles.  Dry the surface with a clean towel. 

I like to press my altar cloths so they look crisp.  I have also heard it is nice to use a lavender water spray as you iron.

Replace the cloth on the altar as you choose.

Clean the tools

Now that the surface of the altar is clean and ready for our tools it is time to clean those tools.

Using the cleaning solution gently wipe down all of your tools.  This includes any statues that you may have.  Any porous items should be wiped with a clean dry rag and in the case of wood items a good wood cleaner could be used.  Be sure to dry all items with a clean towel before replacing them on the altar.

If you have a nice silver chalice you might notice that it is not as silver as it used to be.  Fingerprints cover the surface from all the times you have held it in a toast to the Goddess.  So how to do you get it back to the bright polished silver?  Toothpaste.  Yes, I said toothpaste.  It is an inexpensive way to polish your silver items.  Now before you run to the bathroom and grab the tube from the medicine cabinet you need to know one thing.  It has to be the true toothpaste, not a gel or mixture thereof.  It is best to get a brand like the traditional Colgate© or a natural toothpaste from your natural grocers.

“To clean off tarnish, coat the silver with toothpaste, then run it under warm water, work it into foam, and rinse it off. For stubborn stains or intricate grooves, use an old soft-bristled toothbrush.”

Be sure to empty all the ashes from your incense burners too.  Many times I light a charcoal disk and realize that I am smelling incense when I haven’t placed any yet.  It was actually the unburned incense that had fallen through the screen and is resting on the ashes from the previous time.  Some people would say to dump the ashes outside, I just empty them into the trash since all the power of the incense has been spent and sent.  Of course, don’t dump hot ash in the trash.  DUH!

Empty out your offering bowl.  This should be done outside to make one final offering.  Wipe out the bowl and dry it with a clean towel. 

Mirrors, crystal balls, and scrying bowls, wipe them off so that you can again see clearly what you are being shown.

If you have any other items that you place on your altar be sure they are clean and fresh.

The Little Thing

Here is one thing that everyone should do when they are setting up their altar. (Or at least I think so) 
Candle wicks.  New candles come with long wicks as a rule and many people just light that long wick and move on.  Most candle makers say that the wick should be cut to about ¼ inch in length. Why? Well I have found that if I do this then the candle burns more evenly. The wick should be trimmed whenever it gets very long.  If have a torch when you light the candle it is time to trim the wick.  Be careful when trimming a used wick as you can inadvertently break the wick down to the wax and then the candle is finished.

Finishing up

Now that the surface of your altar is clean and dry and your altar cloth is places as you like it is time to reset your altar.  How you do this is completely up to you, there isn’t a right or wrong way to set up an altar. 

After I have set my altar I like to give it a quick smudging and blessings with my favorite incense.

Keep it clean.  The best way to do this is to use it.  Your altar is less likely to gather dust and cobwebs if you are using it daily or every other day.  If you notice a bit of dust on an item, give it a quick brushing with a cloth or even a Swiffer Duster©, they work great for altars.  A complete wash down should be done at least once a month or as you feel the grime accumulating.

Keep it clean and let the power flow.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Solstice - Media in error

Today is the Summer Solstice.
Celebrations abound all over the world. Stonehenge is particularly busy today. So I decided to check around the web and see what new articles were around about the solstice celebrations and goings on. There were a few on just a simple search. But I was surprised when I read these ‘news’ stories. Here is what is a few of the articles said.
“Prior to the arrival of Christianity to northern Europe, cultures celebrated the arrival of the June solstice because it was seen as one of the few times of the year when magic was at its most powerful. These days, the June solstice is celebrated as the start of summer, although at tourist destinations such as Massachusetts’s Cape Cod, Memorial Day often marks the start of the "summer season" for tourism. But lest we think of the June solstice only in terms of suntan oil or maypole dances marking "midsummer" solstice celebrations in the Northern Hemisphere, it's also an opportunity to pause and remember those who are sacrificing their summer so that others may learn about climate, or Mars, or the cosmos as a whole – never mind penguins, fossils, and krill.” – Pete Spotts, Christian Science Monitor
“As per some Pagan beliefs, this point of the year marks the marriage of God and Goddess and a celebration of growth and life.” – IBTimes Staff Reporter, International Business Times
“The Swedish celebration is called Midsommar. Like European pagans have done for centuries, this celebration can include singing and dancing around objects such as a flower-studded maypole or a large bonfire. “ – MyFox Houston
Okay…so…yea…wait…Maypole? Maypole? Really? The marriage of the God and Goddess? Really? *shakes head and walks away. The problem with the Fox quote is that they have said that all European Pagans celebrate the way the Swedish people do.  This is far from the truth. Since when did the Summer Solstice move to Beltane? As you can see I chose articles that clearly show exactly how much people don’t know what the Summer Solstice means. I would have thought they would have done some research or something. Of course I am going to send messages to the editors of these stories and inform them of the mistake and point them in the correct direction. I also see this as evidence that there is a need for education on what people of pagan faiths believe and celebrate and why. I also encourage everyone to watch when Pagan events are reported on to see if they are accurately portrayed. This will help with continuing education.
This is my activism post.  I don't do these often, it takes something to really annoy me for me to post under activism.
Have a Blessed Summer Solstice!!!  Blessed Be!!!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Summer Solstice ~ Litha ~ Midsummer June 21st 2011

A solstice only happens twice in a year, December 21st and June 21st.  The upcoming solstice is the Summer Solstice;  the day is the longest and the night the shortest.  The sun is also at its northern most point during this day because of the tilt of the earth on its axis.

The summer solstice is also known as Midsummer and Litha.  Midsummer's Day is June 24th.  This is one of the four solar celebrations, the others being Winter Solstice, Spring Equinox, and Autumn Equinox. 

The celebration of Midsummer's Eve was from ancient times linked to the summer solstice. Some people believed that mid-summer plants, especially Calendula, had miraculous healing powers and they therefore picked them on this night. Bonfires were lit to protect against evil spirits which were believed to roam freely when the sun was turning southwards again. In later years, witches were also thought to be on their way to meetings with other powerful beings.

Litha is a time to celebrate fertility, abundance and nature in full bloom.  It is a time when the Oak King is killed and the Holly King take his throne until the return of the Oak King at Winter Solstice.  During the celebrations, children and adults play games.  Craft activities that are perfect for this sabbat are; creating amulets with herbs of Rue and Rowan, create protection pouches from white cotton and Rue, whole wheat bread, salt, and star anise seeds, make a Solar Wheel, make a Witch's Ladder.

Rituals held during this sabbat can be for honoring Mother Earth, celebrating life and growth.  This is also a perfect time for dedications and re-dedications.

Solstice Correspondences:

Deities: Amaterasu (Shinto), Aten (Egypt), Apollo (Greek), Hestia (Greek), Horus (Egyptian), Huitzilopochtli (Aztec), Juno (Roman), Lugh (Celtic), Sulis Minerva (Celtic, Roman), Sunna or Sol (Germanic)

Symbols and Decorations: summer flowers; images of the sun; statues of earth goddesses, faeries, earth gods; sun wheels; seashells; yellow, red or orange candles; blades; daisy chains; stone circles

Traditional colors: blue, green, orange, red, yellow, gold

Flowers: daisy, honeysuckle, marigold, red roses, sunflowers, foxglove, buttercups

Herbs: Chamomile, cinquefoil, fennel, lavender, mugwort, thyme, oak, hemp, St. John's wort, dill, marjoram, rue, rosemary, fern, sage, pine, garlic

Foods: citrus, curries,  peppers, onions, strawberries, summer squashes, tomatoes, honey,  green salads, roasted or grilled pork, blueberries, any sun-shaped, round foods (bread, tortillas, pizzas, etc.)

Drinks: sun tea, herbed teas, ale, mead

Animals: bee, butterfly, robins, snakes, wrens

Mythical creatures: faeries, fire birds, thunderbirds

Stones: amber, tiger's eye, jade

Direction: South

Time of Day: Noon

Have a blessed Litha.

Be sure to check out our store for all your Litha supplies.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Ethics and Money

Sunfire over at Pagan Blog Prompts has posted another interesting question for us to ponder.  Now normally I post on the prompts over on my personal blog at My Pagan Path and the Crossroads but I decided that this would be a good topic for the business blog.

Here is the text of the prompt.  
How do you feel about being paid for certain services of a pagan nature? Like Tarot/Palm/Astrology readings? Often these services are seen as personal, due to the nature of the readings. Some people find it unethical to charge for these services.
Where I live in Denver, Colorado there are many "Psychic readers" who have their sign out advertising readings.  Of course these people charge for the service.  It is unclear if they are pagan or not as I have not visited any of them, I get my readings from friends.  Most of them are run out of their residences with only a few around here actually being in a business atmosphere.  

Here is my thought on this.  

If a person is doing the readings and they are relying on the income from said readings to supplement the household that is fine.  
If a person is doing the readings and they rely on the income solely then for sure that is fine.
If a person is doing the readings as a hobby, or to just pass the time, then they should not be charging for it.

This is just for those individuals that offer readings.  The charging for spells is something completely different and in my opinion a very unethical thing to do.

There are tons of websites around that offer spells for a fee.  The 'witch' even cast the spell for you on some sites.  When I first began to explore my path I found these sites and instinctively knew that this was wrong.  I thought about trying to find links to some sites to give examples but then decided, "why give these sites more traffic?".  People that charge for spells and rituals also open themselves up to legal recrimination if the receiver of the spell doesn't feel they got 'their moneys worth'.  There have been a few stories posted around of just such a thing happening, unfortunately a quick search turned up empty.

So that is my thought on this particular prompt.

Thanks to Sunfire for supplying us with great topics for when we hit the wall.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

Deities of the Desert - the Egyptian Pantheon

Egypt is the land of sand, the Nile, the pyramids, and a large pantheon of gods. There are many gods within the ancient Egyptian belief system. Some have fallen into being unknown while there are many that have remained in the forefront of people’s minds.

The many gods of Egyptian mythology were grouped into what are known as Pesedjets. Pesedjets were then divided into the Great Pesedjet, Lesser Pesedjet, and Dual Pesedjet. The most common known deities in Egypt are also referred to as ‘the nine’ or The Ennead and the Great Pesedjet. The Ennead consists of Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, and Nephthys. Here is more about ‘the nine’.

Atum – He is the most ancient of deities after Nun. He is said to have rose out Nun as a mound of earth of his own creation.

Shu – Created by Atum by either spatting him on to the ground or by masturbation. He is the god of light. He is the twin brother and husband of Tefnut. He is the god who separated the goddess Nut from her mate Geb there by creating the sky.

Tefnut- Also created by Atum by either spatting her on to the ground or by masturbation. She is the goddess of moisture. She is the twin sister and wife of Shu. There are many tales of this goddess in ancient texts.

Geb – Also known as Seb or Qeb in the Book of the Dead. He is the son child of Shu and Tefnut. He is the Earth and the bother-husband of Nut, the sky.

Nut – She is the goddess of the Sky and the sister-wife of Geb. In some stories she is said to give birth to Ra each day so that he can journey across the sky to be swallowed by Nut to be born again the next day.

Osiris – Son of Nut and Geb and bother-husband of Isis. Osiris is one of the most popular gods in the Egyptian pantheon. He is the father of Horus the younger. The story of his death and dismemberment at the hands of his brother, Set, is epic; as is the story of his rebirth at the hands of Isis, Nephthys, Thoth, and Ra. Osiris is the god of the Underworld where he presides over the weighing of a person’s heart against the feather or Ma’at. Osiris is also seen as the god of agriculture since he is the god of re-birth.

Isis – Daughter of Nut and Geb and sister-wife of Osiris. Her commonest names are "the great goddess, the divine mother, the mistress of charms or enchantments"; in later times she is called the "mother of the gods," and the "living one." She found her husband after Set had encased him in a chest. She also helped her sister Nephthys and the god Thoth reassembles Osiris after Set had dismembered him. Isis and Osiris are the parents of Horus the younger. Isis is a very popular goddess figure from the Egyptian pantheon. Her popularity even surpassed the worship of Egypt into the Greco-Roman temples. She is known as the goddess of Motherhood, Magic, and Fertility.

Set – Also known as Sutekh in the Book of the Dead. Set is most commonly known as the god of chaos, which might come from his association with events in ancient Egypt that were terrifying, such as eclipses, thunderstorms, and earthquakes. Set has the distinction of being the only god to not have a common animal head on a human body. The head most seen as Set is referred to as the set animal since no animal know to humankind is like it. Other animals have been used as the head of Set but the unknown animal is the most common. Set is the god who became jealous of his brother Osiris and eventually destroyed him. Set is the twin brother and husband of Nephthys. All fish are sacred to Set.

Nephthys – Also known as Nebt-het in the Book of the Dead. She is the sister-wife of Set. She is seen as a nature goddess and represents the twilight time before sunrise and after sunset. She was very close to her sister Isis and helped her sister with the reconstruction of Osiris. She is one of the lesser known of the nine but she also has many stories.

Horus the Elder – Horus the Elder is not included in the Ennead. It is commonly believed that Nut and Geb actually gave birth to five children; Osiris, Horus, Set, Isis, and Nephthys. Horus the Elder was also known as the Sun God before Ra. He was also confounded with the son of Osiris and Isis, Horus the Younger, with whom many attributes were shared. Horus the Elder is associated with the Hawk or Falcon in some texts. Horus the Elder is also known as Heru-ur and the son or husband of Hathor. The symbol, “Eye of Horus”, is a powerful protective talisman.

After ‘the nine’ there are many other deities that were worshiped by the Egyptian people. Here are few of the most common known.

Anubis – the name is actually Greek; his name in ancient Egypt is Anpu. He is the jackal-headed god associated with mummification and the afterlife. He was second to Osiris in the underworld and the Guardian of the Scales that weighted the heart of a deceased person against Ma’at.

Bast – Also known as Bastet the cat goddess. She personified the playfulness, grace, affection, and cunning of a cat as well as the fierce power of a lioness.

Hathor – She is the goddess of love, music, beauty, motherhood, and joy. She is sometimes shown and a cow with the sun crown. Myth is she is also the pacified form of Sekhmet.

Ma’at - also known as Maat was the Ancient Egyptian concept of truth, balance, order, law, morality, and justice. Ma’at was also personified as a goddess regulating the stars, seasons, and the actions of both mortals and the deities, who set the order of the universe from chaos at the moment of creation. The feather of Ma’at was used to balance against the heart of person after death, in the Duat.

These are just a few of the deities of the Egyptian pantheon. A good list of deities can be here and here.

Before you begin working with any deities it is always a good idea to do as much research as possible. Most people feel is best to represent their affinity for a particular deity by wearing jewelry that represents images of said deity. Having a statue of your deity is great way to show honor to that deity.

This is by no means a complete representation of the Egyptian deities.

Resources used include.


Wikipedia – Egyptian Pantheon 

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Time to Clean for Spring - Cleaning Solution

It is that time of year again.  Spring is here and it is time to open those windows and doors and starting cleaning your dwelling.  From top to bottom from the little used guest room to the constant used living room, it is time to clean.  I have a cleaning solution that I use for my general everyday wipe down of the kitchen counters but I also use it to clean door handles, window sills, and any other places that need a wipe down.

The formula is quite simple and goes into a plastic spray bottle.

White Vinegar
Essential Oil of you choice
Herb of your choice (optional)
Spray Bottle

How to make:

Add 1 teaspoon of Borax to the spray bottle.  Using a funnel will make this easier.  Next add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar, again use the funnel.  Fill bottle with HOT tap water, not to the top of the bottle.  Leave room for the hose and other parts of the sprayer.  Add between 10-15 drops of essential oil of your choice.  You can mix and match your oils too.  Put on the sprayer and let the whole thing cool down.

How to use:

Spray and wipe.  That simple.  You can use a sponge, cloth, or paper towel with this solution.

I personally use Lavender Oil mixed with Lemon Oil.  It give a wonderful scent.  In a test I also added a pinch of peppermint to the bottle and let it mix in.  I don't remove the herb but leave it to do it's work.  The peppermint was added because of its correspondence to cleansing.

I hope that you find this cleaning solution a joy to use as much as I have.

Happy cleaning and Blessed be!!!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Deities - Of Gods and Goddesses

How many names do you know for Deities? Do you know what their attributes are? Do you know whether they're Celtic, Greco-Roman? Are they Norse, Hindu, Sumerian or Egyptian? Perhaps they're Asian, Mayan, Native American or African? Does it matter? How do they fit into your spiritual life? Do you feel that certain ones really fit into your life and some don’t?

The concept of deities has been around for a very long time although it is unclear when the belief in a deity or deities truly appeared. Early burials, as far back as 50,000 – 30,000 BCE showed at least a belief in the afterlife. Some cultures view deities as being “above” them, not interacting directly with their human “subjects”. Others see the deity as a supreme being to be fear and worshipped. In many pagan beliefs they see the deities as being both a part of them and not. Another way to think of this would be ‘within and without’.

What is this theism thing?

Monotheism is the belief in one deity, usually a god figure. This one god figure it thought to be the creator of all things. The common religions that follow this theism are Abrahamic religions, such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baha’i Faith.

Polytheism is the belief in many deities and usually come together in the form of a pantheon or group of gods from a similar culture. Egyptian, Roman, Greek, Germanic, Norse, Sumerian, Incan, Celtic, Slavic, Hindu, Japanese, Aztec, Mayan, Native American, and African are all cultures that hold to the belief in many deities.

How this fits into Paganism

The above list of polytheist cultures can also be called a list of Pagan cultures. I am going to focus on the polytheism and the Wiccan beliefs. Within most Pagan cultures there is a the belief in a Goddess and a God figure. Most Wiccans hold to this belief, and every Wiccan possesses his or her own conception of the Goddess and God. The concepts are obtained through research into those deities and subsequent pantheons that interest us. Others might work toward those deities and pantheon that are a part of their ancestry. Still others will go to deities and pantheon that the coven they belong to. There is no wrong way to find the deities and pantheon that resonates with you.

Personally I feel a draw to Hecate and Cernunnos which are of two different pantheons, Greco-Roman and Celtic. My ancestry is German/Swedish so if I was to go with the pantheons of my ancestors I can go with Germanic and Norse. I find the Norse Gods interesting but I am not drawn to them on a spiritual level.

The Goddess

The Goddess is seen as the female aspect of deity. She is seen as many different things to many different people. The Goddess is most often seen as a healer, a provider of wisdom and guidance and the child-bearer. The most common concept of the Goddess is the Triple Goddess; Maiden, Mother, and Crone. The Goddess is also related to the Moon and its phases. This also corresponds to the triple aspect. Maiden is to the New Moon & Waxing Moon, new beginnings and virgin. She is Artemis, Diana, Kore, Athena, Nimue, Sekmet, Luna, and many others. Mother is to the Full Moon, creativity, child birth, fertility and manifestation. She is Semele, Isis, Hathor, Shakti, Yemaya, Cybele, Demeter, and many others. Crone is to the Waning Moon & Dark Moon, magic, prophecy, and wisdom. She is Hecate, Baga Yaga, Morrigan, Grandmother Spiderwoman, and many others.

The God

The god is seen as the male aspect of deity. Like the Goddess, He is seen as many different things to many different people. The God is most often seen as the Hunter, the Warrior, the protector and provider. The most common concept of the God is the Sun. Egyptians called Him Ra, Greeks called Him Helios, Romans called Him Sol, the African Yoruban tribe called Him Shango, and in Scandinavia He was called Baldur. The God is also associated with the two kings, Oak King and Holly King both which rule the seasons at different times of the year. The God is a complex concept, there are many different aspects, many more then I will mention here.

In rituals both or just one can be called. This is going to be the topic of one of my entries. Also I am going to break down each of the major pantheons that most people associate with and that is going to be over several posts.

Shameless plug time – We carry many statues to many Goddesses and Gods in our store at Grove of the Ancients Pagan Marketplace.